Kelleys Island Ferry & Bike Rentals


How far are you from Cedar Point?

From Kelleys Island, getting there is half the fun aboard the Jet Express passenger ferry. Please see for schedules.

How far in advance should I make my reservations?

It is recommend that reservations be made early in the year for best availability especially if you are staying during a a weekend.

Can I take my car to Kelleys Island?

Yes. You can transport your car to Kelleys Island via the Kelleys Island Ferry although most people prefer to bring their bikes or rent a golf cart. Parking is available at the mainland Kelleys Island Ferry dock.

Can I fill my gas tank on Kelleys Island?

Gasoline is available with a debit/credit card, 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. Quantities may be limited so we recommend you fill up before getting on the ferry.

Is there a grocery store on Kelleys Island?

The Kelleys Island Market offers fresh meats, a complete deli and grocery, as well as beer/wine carry-out.

Do I need a drivers license to rent a golf cart?

Yes. Golf Carts are treated as licensed motor vehicles on the Island. All traffic laws apply including open container laws as well as drinking and driving. For further information please see

Is there a bank on Kelleys Island?

No. There is no bank on the Kelleys Island. There is an ATM but we do recommend you come prepared.

Can I get propane on Kelleys Island?

Propane is available on an exchange basis only.